Friday, April 19, 2013

12/21/2012: The End Of My World As I Knew It

My world started to change in April 2011 when I was laid off from the best job I ever had. Two months later I learned that my bank  was not willing to help me make it more affordable to keep my condo, so I ended up filing for bankruptcy. Could it be mere coincidence that my bankruptcy was officially filed on 12/20/2011 ( remove the zeros = 122211) Then my court hearing was on 1/20/2012 (=12212)  and my case number ended in 122! Just for fun, the numbers put together are 12221,11221,2122!

Note: To go directly to theories and conclusions click here:   ___( coming soon)___

 After bankruptcy, months went by where I felt like I was stuck in a place that was void of any form of positive & productive change. 12/21/2012 came and went just like any other day.   This was not a surprise to me as I have believed for some time that the changes that the date marks started prior to it and will continue on for sometime after.

Never in my life have I experienced such a challenge. I lost the best job I ever had, I went bankrupt, I will lose my condo in foreclosure, my job search had not produced yet, and now  my condo association is taking me to court to pay for HOA dues that the bankruptcy could not absolve! If it were not for all of my spiritual studies and personal development training , I am sure I would have fallen deep into depression! I did not because I have trained myself to let go of what does not work and focus on and take effective action on what DOES work. Easy to say, but not so easy to do!

I felt stuck in an ocean of stagnation until one day when the numbers came up in such a way that I saw it as a good sign. I could feel it in my bones and it turned out to be spot on!

A day or so after I got a call from my mom. She asked me if I still wanted to sell my Dodge Neon SRT-4.

She was calling me from a car dealer because she was having her oil changed and just happened to bump into a salesman that I had talked to about my car. His son used to have one just like it, and he loved it. I have been wanting to sell it because I wanted an average everyday car that does not attract attention and has an automatic transmission.

Mom had been looking at a new car when the salesman approached her. They talked it over and then she called me and offered to sell me her car for a very reasonable price. I could not refuse because her car was in excellent condition AND it only had 36K miles on it, so I took my car to the dealer for appraisal and accepted their offer!

The following day my mom pointed out that the tag that was placed on her keychain ( for the oil change) was # 12. Then she said that there was 21 miles on the car when she saw it on the showroom floor. (Note: her address is 1221)!  Right then I thought about a job interview I had just a few days before. If hired, they would pay  $21/hr to start! There is more to share about this that I will share in a later post.

It seemed to me as if the numbers were marking out significant moments in time and I could finally feel some positive momentum happening. 

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